CodeSenseSoftSolutions Pvt. Ltd., is one of the leading DevOps practitioners. We move you into the new era of DevOps. We seek the benefits of modern development and build your deployment pipeline. We apply the latest technologies in our practice including Kubernetes, Docker, Envoy, Terraform, DevSecOps, Istio and Monitoring. We enable continuous delivery for faster time to market at a very minimal cost..
Explore more and get in touch with us today !!!
We are the core pillar for the digital transformation and the future proof of the core business system for our honorable clients.
We provide advanced continuous integration and delivery capabilities for the right automation tool and increased efficiency. We deliver high quality user experience and ensure the production release is on time.
We provide the ultimate automation process to ensure proper, efficient real-time release ofapplication/software products to our customers. We develop the product with an exceptionaledge and increased speed.
Continuous Testing enables us to bring better speed application, resolve glitches, enhancerobustness, support market claims, enhance scalability and check various technology stack.
We bring this DevOps for Dynamics approach to enhance the quality of Microsoft Dynamics 365by monitoring the development, builds, deployment and testing phases. Our main motive is toautomate error free builds.
We provide assurance to our customers for proper testing using Team Foundation Server (TFS)and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) on the cloud. Our expert role improves thecollaboration and automation to create a better product.
We foster the policy of continuous delivery by deployment of the software on any environmentand at any stage of the development lifecycle. We help to build internal communication betterinorder to have better and faster working apps.
The goal of DevOps is to deliver high quality applications at a faster pace. DevOps is the vehiclefor the digital transformation in this modernized world.
By effective utilization of cloud resources the operational cost can be reduced to half. It alsoreduces the upfront development and maintenance cost.
DevOps provides better quality, higher confidence in release, less wasted efforts, betterpredictability and more flexibility to boost the business confidence.
DevOps follows the best practices that include the understanding of infrastructure, continuousintegration and deployment, best performance and doing benchmarking to provide betterdeliverables to the customers.
DevOps has taken the world as a storm by providing continuous deployment and automation.We monitor all the process and analyze the bottlenecks and fix as soon as thebugs/defects/errors arise.
We work collaboratively in all parts of the development lifecycle and we provide quality ideation which follows a flexible development approach.
We provide our customers with innovative and refreshing ideas, scaling success and experimenting with new and unique ideas.
Our aim is to provide you all the information about the execution process and the data to make you have a smarter business.
We protect your valuable information and enhance secrecy and security by following the five point strategy (Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover).
We have the efficient technical stack and the best data ecosystem which determines the viability of the applications, scalability and its functionality.
We suggest you with the best possible business model and proposition advising to lay down the milestone of success.
We give you an interactive design prototype and boost it with custom coding to bring the prototype to a real application.
Quality assurance is an integrated part of our technical insight which will push every bit of the implementation to work as the designed prototype.
Working with our team will be worth and eye-watering to you at the end of our milestone. Our technical expertise doesn’t have any limits just like reaching the sky.
We provide the best possible hiring model for our clients.
We offer the right candidates who work on a monthly basis with flexibility, approachability and dedication.
If the requirement of the project is well planned and established with large modules, kindly consider the full cycle price model.
If the requirement of the project is prepared in small batches, kindly consider the Freelancing model to opt for hourly basis.