CodeSenseSoftSolutions Pvt. Ltd., provides an independent Quality Assurance and TestingTeam who remove the obstacles of our clients qualitative release. We follow the best practicesfrom the world and we try to implement it to get the most from our clients' investment. Underunbiased testing environment we provide the meticulously perfect deliverables by executing thebusiness-critical process. We focus on improving quality, reducing cost, time to market factorand empowering the IT process.
Explore more and get in touch with us today !!!
We aim to provide the best experience for our client with our expert quality analysts for a betterend user experience. We ensure our solutions adhere to the industries global standards andindustries best practices.
Running the test code early helps you to quickly catch regression, find the unexpectedbehaviour of code and try to pass all the tests easily at the end.
Our aim is to find the defects and errors before moving to the production phase. We analyze thecode and the test results to find the root cause of any failure.
Identifying the root cause of a problem helps us to figure out what negative events are occurringin our deliverables. So that our expert team can put their fire on to prevent them.
We prepare the test cases for each and every module to have attention to all minute details ofthe software and check whether our clients products works according to the expectation of enduser.
Early fixing of defects helps us to minimize the cost at the end and also reduce the rework time.It helps incredibly higher in the production stage.
Retesting an application or a software helps you to ensure reliability and high performancesoftware operation. It makes sure all the phases in the development cycle are bug/Defect/Error free.
Quality Assurance and Software Testing Service ensures that the quality and performancenever gets left out of your critical application.
We ensure that our application is fixed for release. We evaluate the risk criteria, performanceand functionality of the application to make it move to the completeness of the product.
Usability Testing helps us to identify the completeness and accuracy with which the userachieves their goal. It matches our clients business decision to the real world use.
Compatibility Testing helps us to understand whether each functionality is intended to workacross multiple platforms. It reduces failures and overcomes the embarrassment of any issue.
Accessibility Testing ensures that our application or software reaches every type of user withoutany barriers. We focus on verifying the usability of an application without any legal compliance.
Performance Testing enables us to bring better speed application, resolve glitches, enhancerobustness, support market claims, enhance scalability and check various technology stack.
Security testing enables us to find the threat and measure the potential vulnerabilities in theapplication and make the application work as required without being exploited.
We leverage the best industry tools & software setups to test your web & mobile applications.
Working with our team will be worth and eye-watering to you at the end of our milestone. Our technical expertise doesn’t have any limits just like reaching the sky.
We provide the best possible hiring model for our clients.
We offer the right candidates who work on a monthly basis with flexibility, approachability and dedication.
If the requirement of the project is well planned and established with large modules, kindly consider the full cycle price model.
If the requirement of the project is prepared in small batches, kindly consider the Freelancing model to opt for hourly basis.